Tsegi - sacred journey

Tsegi - sacred journey

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The summer/monsoon/wildfire season

Now that the monsoons have started, the wildfires can't be too far away. Happened to catch these guys at the Payson airport doing some maintenance and cleaning prior to the season. Hopefully, they won't have to be too busy this year. The Forest Service has been doing alot of clearing the forests of undergrowth, and controlled burns over the winter and spring, so we'll see what Mother Nature (and the moronic two-leggeds) have in store for us.


Rich Charpentier said...

Have you seen the smoke plume from the latest fire? Wow, it's a big one just a little North of us!

sagehawk said...

Hi Rich,
yeah, we were just out towards Perkinsville friday, looking down into Sycamore Canyon. I think that's where this latest fire is. Thinking of heading out that way again either today or tomorrow. We'll see.