It's always interesting to me how differently people see and relate to the same object. Take this image of the window, for example. I rather like the sharpness of the broken glass contrasting with start white border of stucco and the soft shades inside the room. My friend, Rich Charpentier of the Airstream Chronicles Continued...http://blog.richcharpentier.com/, however, saw the same image on a different day, in a different light, and came with a different interpretation. And I really like his, as well. But that's exactly what I mean, and I think it shows that photography truly is an art, just as painting, in that it doesn't always simply document reality, whatever that is ! It's about what happens inside and how that individual chooses to share that experience.
.... just my two cents worth !
.... just my two cents worth !
Don't you love the graffiti tags there? It's some type of stenciling, and I don't know who it is or what it means.
Like the stuff from Two Guns as well. Just a neat trip along there! I'll return again sometime, I have a few more ideas about Twin Arrows and Two Guns. :)
Thanks,Rich ! kind of spooky around twin arrows.. especially since someone is repairing the arrows, but really cool place. and I couldn't get over how big two guns was. Must have been quite the place !
I envy your past weekend trip... exploratory, never been there before trips are the best ! Did you make it out to the Wave ?
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