So .... Pris and I went to the opening night reception in Flagstaff last saturday at the Coconino Center for the Arts. I was very pleased to see my photo prominently displayed just as you walk into the gallery. There was a very good turnout of people (maybe a hundred or so when we were there), and even some red dots going on some pieces all ready. Lots of impressive works. I want to go back again (maybe next saturday) when I can look at things without alot of people around. Hopefully, this one will sell too.
And..... I got my grant application completed, so that's in the works. Just won't hear til next March ! All in all, its been a busy month. Still have to sort through all my Oregon photos to find the keepers, and put some up on the website.
Just an observation I noticed the other day .... I've found that since our library is selling used books and magazines, that I now go to the library to buy books and magazines, and go to the book store to read them, but not buy them !
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