who would have thought .....I know, my wife did from the start.
Just by chance, I discovered that an art gallery in Maine was having a "call to artists" for a juried show. "coincidence" no. 1; the gallery is in the same town that our very dear and close friends live in.
"coincidence" no. 2; the juror of the show happened to be the former director of the phoenix art museum (now living in Maine).
"coincidence" no. 3; that another show I submitted to in Flagstaff, AZ was listed on the Maine Commission of the Arts website.
So... having only one week to prepare, I scrambled around, developed two images for submission, put together the materials, and on the sunday before the day to mail the pieces, I found a giclee printer who did a marvelous job. Bottom line, not only did the two pieces get there in time, but one of them (the one shown here) got in, and was judged third place ! Yikes !! who would have thought ? So, I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank all those that have had faith in me, and supported me. ESPECIALLY my wife !
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