Can you tell that I'm thinking about a series on old classic american cars (and their owners)? Maybe it's just that I want to relive those much simpler and slower times. I saw an interview with Ron Howard last night and he said that there really wasn't a Mayberry. Well, I'm not going to argue with "Opie", but if the town I grew up in wasn't just like Mayberry, it sure was really close to it. Everyone knew eachother (by first name), house and car doors were never locked, and grade school kids could safely walk the two miles home from school. Things were built to last, and craftsmen took pride in their work. And . . . . I really like old cars. Besides the "Big Three", there were Desoto, Hudson, Packard, Allard, LaSalle, Studebaker, and a host of other independent manufacturers. Talk about American originality !
Oh well, I'm still working out the details. More later.